Copy that Connects VS Copy that Converts - which is more important?
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What would you say is most important? Copy that connects? OR Copy that converts?
It can be hard to make the call sometimes, and we can often find ourselves struggling to create copy that does both of those things.
But what is most important? And what type of copy will help your business grow consistent clients?
The answer is this:
They are just as important as each other.
However, our prime objective as a business owner should be to connect with our target audience.
Because our connection with our audience is what leads them to convert. So creating copy that connects should be first and foremost.
But how do we create copy that connects AND converts? Is it possible to do both? And how can we create copy that will help our readers build trust in our brand and lead them to invest in our services?
Argh! So many questions to consider!!
So let’s cut to the chase and compare copy that connects with copy that converts and how we can incorporate both in our copy.
We will get the lowdown on:
Why you need to connect to convert
How to connect with your audience
How to convert your readers
The difference between copy that connects and copy that converts and why they are both important.
So the game plan is this:
You draw in your potential clients, they view your website and then they click that contact button.
But for them to do that, they need to feel like they know you. They need to feel that they can trust you.
That’s why - before you even get the chance to convert- you need to connect. Once you build like, know and trust and form a strong connection with your audience, you are 10X more likely to convert them into clients. #facts
You gotta connect to convert.
But how on earth do you do that? How can you build trust in your potential clients and get them to choose you?
To successfully connect with your potential clients, you need to get them to:
Like you
Know you
Trust you
This is no easy feat! But once you crack their shells, you will see those connections turn into converts.
To begin, try and think about the purpose of your copy. What's your end goal? How will what you write help you get closer to that goal? What are the needs of your target audience? What will you do for them?
Getting to the core of those questions will get you closer to knowing how to craft copy that connects with your audience.
Getting Them to Like You
This is the first and foremost step into forming a connection that will convert. It goes without saying. For your audience to want to get to know you, they need to like you. And what will make them like you?
The way to do this is really knowing them. Once you know what they like you can incorporate that into your copy. And once you know what they dislike, you can totally avoid that!
Knowing that and then infusing your copy with a personality that best fits with theirs will help you to be likeable - not just by anyone, but by them.
PRO TIP - If you are struggling to figure out what they like and dislike, use methods like IG stories to take polls and ask questions. You will find out what they like and what they need, and that will help you write copy that revolves around them.
Getting Them to Know You
The next step is getting them to know you.
When your audience knows more about you and your story, they will start to see you as a real, tangible person - not just a website designer. They will be able to envision working with you.
And that’s exactly what you want.
So in your website copy and your social media, don’t be afraid to be transparent. Be open about your likes, talk about your life. Show them what you are good at and what you can do for them. Then you will find them forming more of a connection with who you are as a person.
Be the face of your brand and the words behind your copy. Your audience will feel that you are real and you are sincere and that you are interested in them.
PRO TIP - Make good use of social media to engage with your audience. Your website needs to include facts and info about you too (and you can do so on your ABOUT page) but it would be great if you make use of social media to share more about yourself.
Getting Them to Trust You
When you have gotten your target audience to like and know you through your copy and content, the trust will naturally follow.
But trust also comes from them knowing that you will do a good job as their website designer. It comes from knowing you will exceed their expectations and they don’t have to worry about what the outcome will be.
How can you do that?
Be transparent in your copy. Being transparent in your copy means being honest. Write with sincerity and avoid wording and cliches that sound fake and phoney. Write in a conversational manner and in a way that sounds like you. Basically, just be yourself!
Be empathetic. Write in a way that appeals to their heart. Write in a way that shows them that they are the main character in your story and your services are for them.
Be reliable. Consistency is the key to build trust. So be sure to post regularly, share on IG and Facebook etc regularly. Show up in places where they will be so that they can see you are genuine and reliable.
Be there for them. When they reach out to ask a question, don’t leave them unread, even if it doesn’t seem like they are going to ask for your services. Give them your undivided attention.
These things will help them build trust in you and, in turn, will lead them to naturally conclude that you are the web designer for the job!
PRO TIP - Be sure to include clickable testimonials that show you are a trustworthy business owner and that you are amazing at what you do. That way, they don’t just take your word for it!
To be honest, making that connection with your audience and writing copy that connects is more than half the conversion battle. Once you have written copy that connects and continue to do so on social media, it just takes a little more work to convert.
Now it’s about writing copy that turns those pageviews into clicks.
The key to conversion copy is knowing where to use it. You don’t want your audience to feel like you are roping them into buying something or hiring your services BEFORE they have connected with you.
Trust me - that rarely works and will only lead them to click off your site.
So making that connection really is the way to convert. All that’s needed now is a little bit of persuasive copy in the right places.
Where To Include Copy That Converts
When it comes to the copy on your website, you can add a touch of conversion copy in the Homepage, Service and Contact page.
The Homepage
While the Homepage is the first place you will make a connection with your audience, you will also need to lead them to click on your About Page. Concentrate on using copy that connects and then add a touch of copy that converts. Help them gravitate to another page rather than having them click off your site.
Services Page
Your Services page should be written like a sales page; written to convert. Be sure to include personality and persuasive language in your copy so they still feel that connection with you, but this is where the conversion happens! So do not hold back from writing good copy that converts.
Contact Page
Similar to the services page, your aim is to convert! You want them to contact you. Using copy that is persuasive and converts here is key to getting them to, well, convert!
What is the difference between copy that connects vs copy that converts?
Copy that connects builds trust and helps you build a relationship with your potential clients.
Copy that converts convinces them that they need you to do the job.
But remember: if there is no connection in your copy, you can pretty much say goodbye to turning clicks into converts! So be sure to build a connection with your readers through the copy you write on your website and on social media.
Then the conversion will follow.